To Creative Block

My creative juices have been waiting for me 
To be summoned, since long,
But little do they know, 
That my will to procrastinate is uncannily strong.
I spin stories in my head, 
Throughout the day.
But when I try catching them on paper,
They conveniently run away.
After an era of contemplation,
I manage a line or two,
Honoured, I reward myself with a distraction again,
Of Facebook, and YouTube.
Then my vocabulary limitations,
Slyly play their cards,
I scour for my lost self-esteem 
Along with the right words.
A twinge in my tummy,
Strikes me out of the blue,
As I devote the next couple of hours,
Racking my brain for a term, I once knew.
Phew! Drained, dejected, disappointed, 
I give it up all now,
‘Until next time’ 
I sincerely vow.


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