To Ageing Parents

Today I fought with my parents really hard.
Today I screamed my lungs out playing the victim card.
Until my throat ached.
Grilling them down for their mistake.
All because,
All because they had messed up with my books on the wall rack.
And misplaced my collection of bookmarks.
Trivialities that I guarded like a treasure so long. 
Obsessing over where each of my things belong.
Just like how I used to as a little girl.
And I let my demons unfurl.
The only difference being that this time, 
This time they didn't chide me with a frown.
Or calm me down.
As always.
Instead for the first time I noticed them tremble within.
For the first time they looked feeble and lean. 
For the first time I felt the consequence of my rage.
For the first time I felt the vulnerability of their age.
I could no longer run to them like how I used to as a little girl
for anything and everything that went wrong.
Now the sack on their shoulders already weighs a ton.
The ephermality of life with the passage of years haunts me like never before. 
As pangs of remorse strikes me to the core. 


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