To my imaginary sibling

Do you look even a bit like me?

I ponder the whole day, had you been here, how you would be.

For all the time I waste, would you have taken me to task?

Being my 'Big' brother in your superficial pride you would bask.

For all the stories I have of infatuation and prank,

For everything I needed to share, with you I could be free and frank.

I swear to keep it all to myself for whatever you too had to say,

Eager to get back to you after a long tiresome day.

Would you have guarded me like a soldier, never letting me go out of your sight?

For every silly triviality would you have complained, picking up a fight?

Pulling each other by the arms, by the legs, by the hair,

Yet not for once forgetting to shower your love, blessings and care.

I do imagine you in real, knowing you exist only in my mind,

You are safe in my childlike fantasies, with you I bind.


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