
Showing posts from 2019

To Self-Love

As cold creeps in through your window, With a roaring downpour; I just wanted you to know, I love you a little more. Again when the bright sunshine, Seeps in through your veins, My heart skips a beat with your laughter, On all such days. I have watched you putting in your best, While sometimes merely battling to survive, As circumstances fast-forward, rewind, slow and pause, The controls of your life. You have always been ashamed of your blemishes, Apologetic for being too wild. You have always been ashamed of not confining, Within the walls built by the world, my child. Today, even as you stand tall, all by yourself, Bracing up to soar; Dear 'Self', remember, through thick and thin, I have always loved you, a little more.

To Déjà vu

You see I have dwelt in the same story, Over and again, I know how it all begins, And how it would end. With a different set of characters, With a different flavour of pain. What you say has been said before, Just from a different mouth, What you do has been done before, Just in a different way throughout. I keep running into you, Over and again, You masked with a new face, In a new lane. And the story shamelessly, Kicks off from the start, With those same sense organs, Playing their part.

To Bittersweet Love

Love forever has its own share of nuances, Sometimes it turns its back, sometimes embraces. Sometimes it is the light twinkling from houses in the dark, Sometimes it is the footsteps on a soggy lane leaving a mark. Sometimes it is the fragrance emanating from a freshly printed page, Sometimes it is the bricks of your self-constructed cage. Sometimes it is the chae soothing your throat during cold, Sometimes it the story you nurture untold. Sometimes it is the rain breathing life into the Earth, Sometimes it is that one tinge of pain in an ocean of mirth. Sometimes it the breeze, gently ruffling your hair, Sometimes it is the storm ravaging beyond repair. Sometimes love, is just a fading song, Yet you keep humming along.