Memoirs of Bokaro
Etched with the ink of nostalgia there is a place that still holds my childhood deep within its womb, despite the fact that I was born somewhere else. The place is like a dormant dream to me, much like a vision that cannot be spun with the string of words how much ever I give it a try. It is something that comes to me only with my eyes closed, something that is forever carved on the canvas of my mind, about which no Google could tell you except for the Power Plant stations, because with all its fascinating nuances that make it, it was mine, and mine alone. The place as people call it is Bokaro Thermal and it lies somewhere within the present state of Jharkhand. My father got his initial posting there on his first job, much before I was born. It was where my parents stayed while I stayed back at Durgapur with my grandparents. I used to visit them at Bokaro, on every vacation and since then it turned into my “Land of Holidays”, a solace from the drudgery of school, exams an...